If you are getting an error when trying to send email, locate the Email Program you use below, and follow the steps listed.  If you are not running one of the Email Programs listed, or are having problems with the steps below, please call our office 989-426-3610.



Outlook Express or Incredimail 

  1. Open the Outlook Express or Incredimail
  2. Click Tools at the top
  3. Click Accounts
  4. Click on the ejourney.com account
  5. Click Properties on the right
  6. Select the Servers tab at the top
  7. Change Outgoing mail (SMTP): to mail.ejourney.com
  8. Check the box next to 'My Server Requires Authentication'.
  9. Click OK
  10. Click Close
  11.  Exit Outlook Express or Incredimail, and open it again


Microsoft Outlook  

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook
  2. Click Tools at the top
  3. Click E-mail Accounts
  4. Select View or change existing…., and click Next
  5. Click on the ejourney.com account
  6. Click Change… on the right
  7. Change Outgoing mail server (SMTP): to mail.ejourney.com
  8. Click Next
  9. Click Finish
  10.  Exit Outlook completely, and open it again


Mozilla Thunderbird  

  1. Open Mozilla Thunderbird
  2. Click Tools at the top
  3. Click Account Settings…
  4. Click on Outgoing Server (SMTP) at the bottom of the left column
  5. Click Edit…
  6. Change Server Name: to mail.ejourney.com
  7. Click OK on SMTP Settings
  8. Click OK on Account Settings
  9. Exit Thunderbird completely, and open it again